What are Transition Services?
Transition services are defined in the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) as "a coordinated set of activities for a student that promotes movement from school to post-school activities," including:
- Post-secondary education
- Vocational training
- Integrated employment
- Continuing and adult education
- Adult services
- Independent living
- Community participation
Who May Need Transition Services?
Students with disabilities may require services and supports to provide a smooth transition from school to employment, post-secondary education, adult and independent living. As a part of the IEP process, a student's goals and skills are reviewed. Linkages are made to other agencies that may assist the student in reaching identified goals.
Who Should Participate in Transition Planning?
Since transition planning is student-centered, it is important that the student participate in the IEP. As early as middle school (age 14), the IEP team may begin to develop educational and transition plans that will be reviewed each year. Team members may include the parent(s), special education and general education teachers, a career/technical instructor, career assessment specialist, school counselor, agencies providing adult services (e.g., Department of Rehabilitative and Aging Services (DARS), Community Services Board, Department of Social Services, Juvenile Justice, etc.). Working together, opportunities can be created for career, self-advocacy, interpersonal, and living skills essential for the successful transition from school to work and adult living.
For more information, contact Special Education Coordinators, Angela Harlow, Linda Lundin-Seidel, and/or Dr. Felecia Christian, at 540-894-5115.