
Louisa County Public Schools maintains a steadfast commitment to providing world-class educational opportunities for every student. Our goal is to create an environment where every student is challenged to reach his or her maximum potential.

Recent test scores indicate that Louisa County Public Schools is achieving that mission. During the summer of 2024, Louisa County Public Schools received confirmation that all six of the division's schools were fully accredited by the Virginia Department of Education. This marked the ninth consecutive year that Louisa County Public Schools accomplished the feat throughout the school division.Graduation

Louisa County Public Schools works hand-in-hand with the Virginia Department of Education's accreditation standards, which include:

- Providing an essential foundation of educational programs of high quality in all schools for all students.
- Encourage continuous appraisal and improvement of the school program for the purpose of raising student achievement.
- Foster public confidence.
- Assure recognition of Virginia's public schools by other institutions of learning.
- Establish a means of determining the effectiveness of schools.

#TeamLCPS is prepared for these accreditation standards and we greatly appreciate having the privilege of educating the future leaders of the world!

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